Well guys, Princess' house is finally complete on our part. Today the roof was finished, the outside walls have been bagwashed and the outside rubble of the house has been shifted. I must say, it looks bloody fantastic! Everyone worked so hard today to make every little detail of this home perfection, it was none stop all day for all of us and all this hard work and determination has finally payed off. We built this house for Mama Princess!! Me and Ashley spoke to her today with the help of Pearl (Build leader) and we asked if she liked her new home, she said yes and said that she would move her bed in tonight if she could! It makes me feel so proud to have been given the oppertunity to help give Princess this new and wonderful place to now call her home.
The ending ceremony took place today where we all got to thank the builders and say our goodbyes and give gifts etc. It was the most uplifting experiance EVER. To see the joy in that poor womans face, to see her stand in what will be her living room in a few days time made me proud to be a part of this team. She danced for us to show her appreciation and that was her way of saying thank you for everything that we have done. For a woman with her injuries that woman can move! I have made her a heart shape out of the dagga that was used to make the house and gave it to her at the end and she was so happy it almost made her cry. I hope she remembers us because I know we will remember her, in our hearts forever, most amazing experiance! I am so sad to leave her and hope to come back because I will miss her, I will miss them all greatly and will think of what we have done, what we have accomplished and how we have helped that woman, this has changed my opinions, emotions and outlook compleatly. I am proud to be where I am. Thank you for this oppertunity.
Ok - I am actually crying now! Well done to you all, come home soon and tell me about it all. I am so proud, and so glad that you've had this life changing opportuntiy. Vik.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx