Thursday, 30 June 2011

Final thoughts

Well....what can you say. Truly amazing. Thank you to everyone involved in the steering group, those that donated, those that fundraised to make this trip possible - have just read Matts blog, and to be honest I can only repeat what he has said.
Matt has referenced the Service Users - may I take this opportunity to thank Matt and Alex for being simply wonderful and doing exactly what it said in the job description written some 10 months ago. Every support worker is special, but these 2 have a little cherry on top.
Also Shaun - my god can this guy graft - from the second we arrived on site, to the last out of the classroom today with brush in hand.
We have hundreds of photo's - will upload them all when we return.
Liz - you would love these classrooms - no interactive whiteboards - back to basic chalk and board.
Hollie - your right - I have not shaved - will wear the expedition beard on Monday - advanced apologies to Karen S for looking scruffy (more than usual)
David E - Sorry - may need more than one de-brief meeting - or at very least a full day.
Design Dept - What happends in Africa stays in Africa - Budgie was a 2 week nickname....Nah - go on ask him - then when he tells you what it meant - ask me for the truth.
Mother - thank you for all the commments - all wonderful - will get down soon.
Battery going - too many other people to mention - not enough time.


  1. Beard...noooo, you could have left it behind! So, the weary travelers on their way home with mixed emotions I'm sure. Safe journey home everyone; no words can express the admiration & respect I feel for you all. Thanks for sharing via the blog look forward to reading more thoughts once you have had time to re-adjust! See you soon Sam; everyone sends love. xx

  2. You're right there! LOVE the classroom! Yes, because there's no technology to grapple with, but mainly as you've created a wonderful place. Obviously for the children, but also for someone (who has an unbelievably tough job) to look around and know someone cares - a gift for a teacher. Can't wait to see the pictures - obviously lions first, but I'm also interested in hyenas, singing meercats and warthogs!! Well done everyone!
    Liz x
